Blandford Hedgehog Group

Our journey with The Blandford Hedgehog Group started last year when I found a tiny ball of prickles lying on it's side . I instantly told the cats off under my breath presuming this was their fault. When I went to pick him up he scrunched up into a tiny ball and it became obvious that little Tony (as he was later called) was suffering with fly strike (maggots eating him).
This is how I met the lovely Denise,
Denise and the team were amazing. A few month later little Tony ,who was now big Tony, returned home with a handmade cosy house and plenty of food.
Since then I have been busy making houses and feed stations from old pallets , ready for more rescued hedgehogs to come stay.
We would like thank Blandford Scout group, especially the Cubs from Portman pack and Shotsford Pack for their kind donation of houses too .
You will see these scattered around the campsite but please don't be tempted to open them and disturb them . You are more than likely to spot our spikey little friends running around the campsite when the sun goes down.
So far Tony has two other friends who now live here after being saved by the Blandford Hedgehog Group. Meet Tony, Sylvester and Hawkeye.
In case you're ever in the situation that I was in with Tony ,Blandford Hedgehog Group have kindly given us some useful information which I have added below.
They have also added that if you do call a vet out of hours you may be charged.
We look forward to hearing your hedgehog stories during your stay with us and would love to see any photos of the hedgehogs you've spotted.